Sunday, July 31, 2011

Unique Spa Sensation Using Snakes

Unique Spa Sensation Using Snakes-An expert health and beauty spa offers a new service from Israel which is quite scary for its customers - Massage Snake.
At a cost of U.S. $ 80 you can receive this service legged reptile can not crawl all over your body, Snake -snake is used like California and Florida king snakes, corn snakes and milk snakes, If you do not panic, it can be a soothing experience, and there Barak's spa owners who will oversee this care snake fondle your body, Barak knew many years ago that heavy king snakes and corn UALR squeeze produces a relaxing sensation.

He said that most people would hesitate to use the spa, but then they find physical contact with snakes can relieve stress.
"Some people said that holding the snakes made ​​them feel better, relaxed," he said, "One old lady said the spa experience with snakes is soothing, like a cold compress."

The size of the snake depends on the type of massage - the great snake is said to reduce muscle tension deeper and smaller makes the effect meringankan.Semua used snake is a snake that could have a less harmful

bagimana, you are interested, if you intend to try it, remember to donate all the Palestinians


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