Monday, July 11, 2011

3 Girls With Body Painting Airbrush

Depending on the art design you choose, the process can take from a several minutes to many hours. The mastery of air brushed art design takes a little time and requires your patience and cooperation with the artist who's turning you into a vampire, a butterfly, a dragon or some other fantastic design.

You may be completely naked and no one will know because your covered up and it looks like you have a costume on. Or you can have a clothing outfit designed and painted on you and it will look as though your dressed. The artist can design a dress, pants, shorts, or any clothing that you wish, even make you look fully dressed or have a bikini outfit on, any outfit you can imagine. The artists make it look so real it does actually seem like you have clothes's so lifelike looking!

Not all airbrushed body art means having to get completely naked and be painted in front of a group of people. You can do it in a private setting if your shy, or you can let others watch your transformation. Any portion of your skin can be painted into a beautiful, sexy airbrushed art design. Many women just appreciate the art and have designs done on parts of their body to show off or to be kept private for only certain eyes to see. Whatever the case may be, there really is not a limit to what a person can have painted. A butterfly, a Dragon, a star pattern, or a floral display, anything you may choose can be designed and painted by the air brush artist.


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