Sunday, July 31, 2011

Cristian Preda-Emil Boc nu mi-a dovedit ca ar fi capabil sa sporeasca increderea publicului in aceasta guvernare

Cristian Preda-Emil Boc nu mi-a dovedit ca ar fi capabil sa sporeasca increderea publicului in aceasta guvernare
Cristian Preda PDL MEP believes that Prime Minister Emil Boc still has not proven to be able to increase public confidence in the government,reminding him that during the time said about it you should find another job,reports Mediafax .
He made statements in a program of Antena 3, in the context it was asked whether the party should not take any decision about his statements on attacks Iulian Urban Norway.

"Now you know what the party is afraid to take any decision in respect of all who have a vote in Parliament there is a very strong majority," Preda said.

Asked if he feels comfortable, MEP said: "I do not feel uncomfortable, I said over and Boc time you should find another job. It has shown me since then that would be able to increase public confidence in this government, unfortunately. That's the situation. "

On the other hand, Preda explained his presence at Antena 3, provided that PDL has recently decided not to send representatives to the longer this television broadcasts.

"If I can express in a show, wine (...) On the other hand, the decision that the PDL has not been discussed (...) I remember the moment I entered the LDP - and keep accuracy terms - that any decision is preceded by a discussion. It very frequently and says, is a leitmotif in discussions within the party - the 3 D: debate, decision, discipline, so you're disciplined after a decision but is based on the debate. That was not based on the debate. I think it must remain free as politicians, "he said.

PDL has decided, on July 11, make complaints to the NAC and not longer send representatives to Antena 3 shows, after this station claimed that Daniel was not Baccalaureate Funeriu first session in 1989, and accused the minister post false documents.


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